Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009

Scripture chain:

D&C 1: 37-39

Search these commandments for they are true. What the Lord has spoken, He has spoken and his words shall not pass but will be fulfilled.

D&C 18: 33-36

These words are not mans words but the Lord's words and we should testify of them.

36 Wherefore, you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words.

I am reminded of the Explanatory Introduction to the D&C. In my first post I outlined some of the things contained in it. The piece that comes to mind here is #4. That the Lord's voice is heard in these pages of the D&C. You don't literally have to hear His voice to know His voice and "hear" it in your hearts and mind when you read His words. You don't have to be a prophet who speaks to the Lord to be able to testify that you have heard His voice. You can feel it. I know this because I have felt it to the point that I feel that I would recognize the Lord's voice if He actually spoke to me.

Also, hearing His voice means paying head to His words, taking them within, pondering and following them. If you do so you can and will testify that you have "heard my voice, and know my words."

D&C 84:60
Blessed are those who hear His words for they ARE His voice.

He has spoken these words, they have come from Him. If we hear them i.e. listen, take head, apply them, we should know that they are His voice for He has spoken them.

D&C 88:66

His voice is like one crying in the wilderness - you can't see Him. But it is truth and if it is in us it will abound.

Q's and Thoughts From the Teacher's Manual:

Attention is brought to the 6th paragraph in the Explanatory Introduction. I didn't mention it before because I had skimmed over it but it is worth mentioning.

The revelations in the D&C came as answers to prayers. They were during times of need and came from real life situations involving real people. The Prophet had sought guidance from the Lord and these revelations are proof that he received that guidance.

All of us can seek guidance from the Lord. If we pray with sincerity and are willing to follow His guidance we will receive it. We don't have authority like the prophet to receive guidance for the church but we can be guided by the Lord in our own lives and for our own stewardships: our families, ourselves and our callings. This guidance we receive we also call personal revelation. It's personal and only pertains to our own personal needs. No-one can receive personal revelation for someone else although we can receive guidance in how we may help and serve someone else.

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