Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10, 2009

D&C 1: This is the Lord's preface to the D&C.

Some of the warnings:
We need to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord and for His judgement. Those who will not hear the words of the Lord and His servants i.e. through church leaders: both general authorities and local leaders, missionaries, scripture, prayer and personal revelation, those who do not hear and heed His words will be cut off in the last days.

Be careful when choosing your paths that you walk in the Lord's path because there are many who ""walketh in his own way, and after the image of his own god, whose image is in the likeness of the world, and whose substance is that of an idol" Are you walking after idols or trying to follow the Savior? That can be a tricky question sometimes and it pertains to members of the church every bit as much as it pertains to those who are not. What are some of our idols? The desire to be successful in life to the point that it takes you away from home and church callings? Distractions like television and video games when you're not reading your scriptures? Keeping yourself so busy or too distracted that your Sunday's have to be treated like another Saturday instead of the Sabbath? Worrying too much what other people think of you or trying to keep up with the Jones' that you forget there are other people less fortunate and in need of your help or compassion. Sometimes we distract ourselves too much with the things of this world and forget where we are supposed to be.

Those who repent will be forgiven but those who don't will be cut off from the light of the Lord. Everyone, whether they are believers or not have the light of the Lord in them. We are all given the ability to know whether we've done right or wrong. That's a given for every person who has lived. I know what it feels like to have the light of the Lord missing. It's not fun and life feels dark and dreary. Repentance and making better choices brings that light back and peace back to our souls. The light is a warmth and happiness. It is peacefulness and calm even when a storm is raging. It is encouragment and the ability to see things more clearly. It is an assurance that we are headed in the right way. Sometimes it can be felt brighter when we are doing those things we ought to be like praying and scripture study, being with our families and filling our callings. It is the love of our Savior. The Savior's love is always there but our ability to recognize it as light in our lives is affected by the choices we make. Sometimes when we are doing wrong we don't want to feel it. We are ashamed and turn ourselves away from that light. But it is always there when we are ready to turn around again and seek it.

Puposes of the revelations in the D&C:
That the words might be proclaimed to the world
That all may speak in the name of the Lord - I see this to mean that we may act in His name, representing Him in all that we do and say.
That faith will increase in the world
His covenant will be established
That the fullness of the gospel may be proclaimed to all the world including to kings and rulers
That we may have understanding
That we may know where we are erring
For our instruction
To chasten so that we may repent
If we are humble we are made strong and recieve knowledge from time to time. I also read this as "further instruction" from time to time.What comes to mind here is the revelation allowing all worthy male members to have the priesthood. I think it fits in this category.

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