Friday, March 6, 2009


I like the analogy in Amos 8:11-12 that essentially the apostasy started a famine: a famine from hearing the Lord's words.

What occured to me from this is that famines eventually end and then much better, even wonderful and prosperous times follow it.

This is true of the famine the Lord sent. There was a famine of His words for a season where people were lost and confused about the truth and many walked their own ways.

Then, with Joseph Smith and the restoration of the church, that famine ended. (See D&C 128:20-21 to get a sense of how exciting the end of this famine is.) And there have been many great and wonderful things that followed. Most notably, all the keys of the dispensations have been restored such as the power to seal families together for eternity and the priesthood which allows for many personal blessings and special ordinances like baptism and the sacrament.

But also, the fact that the famine is over means that the Lord once again has his hand in the things of the world. He once again is directing His church and He again speaks to us and works miracles among us. He is not gone from us anymore.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


When Christ left the earth the adversary really stepped in. Christ's apostles held the reigns of the church for as long as they could but eventually they were taken away because there were many false teachings and much adversity against Christ's church. The people were no longer listening to the truth and instead would hear only what they chose to hear if at all. The loss of the apostles caused a loss in the important and whole truths of the church and resulted in an apostasy. The truths were broken up to pieces and translated into what people wanted them them to be.

Because people weren't listening Christ withdrew Himself from the world for a while. Which can be why religious leaders held on to a belief and strongly taught their congregations that God no longer works miracles and there can be no more visions and no more direction. Also that what is in the bible is all we get.

But that just isn't true. The world fell into the dark ages for a time and then emerged with a flurry of people seeking truth. It wasn't until people were ready to receive the truth and truly wanted it that Christ could again put His hand in and direct His church on the Earth and work miracles and visions again. He's always been there. The world just hasn't always wanted to hear from Him because they're too busy walking in their own ways.

(I should say also that we believe that Christ is doing God's work, in other words, He is under the direction of God the Father. So when I refer to Christ I am referring to God as well.)

Why would He not continue to work miracles and direct His church if they were willing to listen? The reasoning that Christ or God no longer does anything is confusing to me. And I wonder why people would actually believe that except that they have some really persuasive church leaders and haven't thought and prayed about it for themselves. It's kind of a sad belief.

Of course the adversary took advantage of the flurry of religious activity that emerged in Joseph Smith's day. It was easy for him to cause a lot of confusion and contention among the different religions. Religious leaders were given to flattery and telling the people what they wanted to hear rather than just encouraging belief no matter what sect you chose.

This confusion and "pretended good feelings" as Joseph Smith called them is what caused him to be confused and worried about the choice he had to make. He clearly loved God and wanted to do what's right but he was at a loss as to whom to believe.

I think that we still have this confusion today. Christ's church has been re-established but it is still in the background behind all the noise and confusion of the world today - whether it be religous or not. I think religion seeking is not as it was back then. There are many people seeking religion but I think there are many more distractions today aside from "what is the true religion". There's a long list of things that keep people from religion, or from seeking and finding the truth. The adversary knows the Lord is wrapping things up and he is working really hard to distract the world from His truth.