D&C 88: 14-18
- Christ's redemption brought about the ability for all to be resurrected from the dead.
- A soul is the joining of both spirit and body. Unless both are together we are not a soul. Only a spirit without our body.
- The ressurection redeems the soul. Brings spirit and body back together.
- Ressurection is only through Jesus Christ who redeemed us.
- The earth will be sanctified for the righteous to inherit after the resurrection.
- man is spirit. elements (the things that make up our physical bodies) are eternal. spirit and element joined inseperably (a soul) bring fulness of joy.
Alma 11:42-44
- The death that we are familiar with (there is another spiritual death) is a temporal death when our bodies and our spirits are separated. Christ has overcome this death for us.
- The spirit and body shall be reunited in its perfect form: no hair lost, all limbs in their proper frame.
- All will be restored to their perfect form: man, woman, bond and free, righteous and wicked. Ressurection is a gift given to all.
- After ressurection we will be brought to stand before God and have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt and we will be judged according to our works, good or evil.
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